Saturday, August 21, 2010

Meer Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thought that I would try Jane's Meer Cat, I had started him ages ago and had trouble so he was put aside for a while. Anyway I decided that I needed to finish him off so here he is in all of his glory. I used Lizbeth #20 140 Country Grape Swirl and 644 Boysenberry Dark. I did have trouble with the SCMR but finally figured it out.


  1. *Applause!*

    It's always so great when you "get" a new technique!

  2. It really helps to set a troublesome project aside for while so you can come back fresh. Congratulations!

  3. Your Meer Cat is rather dashing in his own rights! Great job at learning something new & at making him.

  4. Your meercat is very dashing, I have an award for you on my blog please come and collect. Margaret
