Monday, August 23, 2010


Well here is two photos of the edging that I am doing for my Tatted Sampler book. I found it while I was looking for a edging pattern. But now I cant remember  where. Anyway it's a pretty easy pattern so if anyone knows who did this please let me know, so I can credit them.
Our Jasmine is out in bloom and the smell is wonderful. I have a small jar with the jasmine in my craft room.


  1. That book is going to look lovely when you get it all done. The edging is so pretty. You are so lucky to have your own Jasmine. It don't grow up north. I wished it did.

  2. Great job on your hand-made book so far! It is lookin'fab!

  3. Your book is already looking lovely, looking forward to seeing what it looks like when you have finished it. Margaret

  4. It is looking so artistic! What a wonderful project.
    Fox : )

  5. The edging is fantastic! Great minds think alike because I just finished a long strand of hens n chicks in black. :) lol
