Monday, February 14, 2011

Typs Age is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While you all had a good guess and I am relaxing here Mum says I'm a tart but what does she know, I love laying around like this it's way cool. Also thank you all for the lovely comments about me, and the Birthday wishes. Anyway I guess I had better tell you who won and what my age is it's a big 11 so Red could you please email your address for your prize.


  1. You look good for your age, hope your enjoyed your prawns, lloks like you are doing your mums letters for her.

  2. LOL! I have a cat that lays like that all the time. Happy Birthday sweetie!

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my cupcakes, if you e-mail me your address I will send you one,
