Friday, January 8, 2010

Okay so here goes it is hot here in Queensland, and I am sitting behind this computer trying to think of something to write. The cat is flat on her back on the desk here her normal position, hubby is outside somwhere and I am thinking about starting some tatting.


  1. Welcome to blogland, hope you will be very happy here. Sooooh! Show us some tatting!! I love Queensland!

  2. Looking forward to seeing your tatting.

  3. Write about hot weather (with pictures!) Some of us in the northern hemisphere would like to see that.

  4. are off to a wonderful start! Welcome to the land of blogging! I also want to confess, you made a comment on my blog, regarding my 'crinoline' tatted ladies. I did NOT know what that so happened at Tatting Group that night one of the ladies made the same remark. I asked her what it meant! I learned something new that day...thanks to you! *smile* I love the web, miles apart we share something in 'common'. The love for 'crinoline'. Now how cool is that!
